Saturday, January 3, 2009

Recovering Me, Discovering Joy by Vivian Eisenecher

This book is a wonderful and honest account of this author's battle with social anxiety disorder and alcoholism.

I, also, was diagnosed with a panic disorder and agoraphobia in 1980. So, I truly understand the "devastation" of the catastrophic experience. I also agree, that with the right medication and proper counseling this battle can be won. I can thankfully say that I, too, have beat this disorder. But, for those who have not, this book will definitely be of some service to you.

She also explains her self-destructive addiction to alcohol for self-medicating purposes. This, too, I could relate to. You would do anything to take away your pain and unfortunately this demon "seems" to have the answers, temporarily.

This is a very informative book for those who need some help and guidance. There is nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth, so to speak. She offers many solutions and suggestions for you to help you become a more successful and happy person.

I applaud this author for her brutal honesty and compassion for her fellow man as far as these disorders are concerned. It takes a very strong woman to lay out her life so that she may help others. Thanks for the encouragement and support and keep up the good work.


  1. Wonderful review of a book that everyone should read because nearly everyone has someone in their lives who suffers from anxiety, the disease of alcoholism and other disorders. Thank you Tess for speaking out as well :D My son suffers from addiciton, this makes him no different than my friend who battles with breast cancer, or someone else who struggles with diabetes though it is still difficult to talk to people about it. There is still the stigma of having these diseases and disorders. There are no get well cards - many times hurtful things are said or just silence. Thanks Tess : D for having the courage to speak out. Again, wonderful review.

  2. Thank you so much for your response to my review. It makes me feel good that I was able to reach you in this way. I wish you all the best for you and your son. Please consider this a get well card from me!!

  3. BevE

    PS Please keep me posted on your son's progress!
